I found doing the exercise to be easier than the last time. Each time I do the exercises I find it easier and easier to get into the zone. I thought of my husband who is the most patient and compassionate human I know. I always look to him to learn how to be better at both of those attributes. The relaxation I get from just taking a minute to breath a bit everyday seems to be helping me not get so wound up over things like I normally would. I am hoping to get better at meditation and keep it up for the duration.
Walking the talk is important when it comes to some professions. You can get away with not portraying or playing the part in some cases but not in health and wellness. Unfortunately, for some of us, this is a hard road to follow. Clients don't want someone who is going through the same thing they are they want someone to show them the path or at least have done it already to get them where they need to be. They need to feel reassured that they can fall back on you and know you can handle anything they throw at you. They need to know you understand it and have been there.
For me, I find this to be true, there is no way I like having a trainer in a gym who is genetically predisposed to be fit whether they are working out or not. I want a trainer who became a trainer because they were sick of being unhealthy and did something about it and now wants to preach to the world about how great it feels and that anyone can do it...
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